"According to the American Cancer Society, when breast cancer is detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. Early detection includes doing monthly breast self-exams, and scheduling regular clinical breast exams and mammograms." Ask your provider during your next appointment if you are due for your annual mammogram, and we can help you find a screening center.

It's official! We now have the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in house! Call the office today to receive a time slot for your 1st dose, 2nd dose, or booster shot. To qualify for a booster shot, you must have had your 2nd dose at least 6 months ago, work in healthcare, or have an immunosuppression. We are unable to mix Pfizer booster shots with Moderna or J&J at this time. Please be patient with our staff as this is new for all of us, and we are all learning how to navigate post-pandemic healthcare together.

A huge thank you to the Larimer County Office on Aging for helping us provide fresh produce to our senior patients in need every other week for the past few months.

The Tree of Hope will be up before the end of the month! Please reach out to Kylie at the front desk if you would like to volunteer, or be included on the tree this year.

We have a new medical assistant! Melissa just moved here from Idaho and we are so glad she found her way to our clinic. She has worked as a caregiver and medical assistant for many years. Melissa has been a superstar in regards to organization with the COVID-19 vaccine, and we are so thankful for her! Welcome, Melissa!
Please join us in welcoming our newest provider, Holly!
We are happy to announce the arrival of Holly Preston, FNP! Holly was an RN for 7 years before pursuing her masters degree. She worked in the pulmonary ICU, cardiology, and neurology units. Since becoming a family nurse practitioner, Holly has worked in family practices and urgent cares in Colorado and North Carolina.
Please read on for a quick Q&A with the newest member of our team!
What made you want to pursue a career in the medical field?
I have a love for helping people, and I am passionate about medicine.
What drew you to St. Luke’s?
I love the fact that St. Luke’s is a nonprofit; the work we do here is so rewarding. I also enjoy the family feel of the clinic.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love reading, kayaking, hiking, and playing with my young kids. (1 girl and 1 boy)
What can’t you live without?
Other than family? Coffee, my dog, and books.
If you could time travel to any year, which would it be?

Our food pantry is almost empty! Please consider donating any non-perishable goods to our patients in need.

Have a safe and enjoyable Halloween from all of us at St. Luke's!